Goodman Pilot Light Reset Button: The Ultimate Guide for Troubleshooting and Resetting Your Furnace

Last Updated on October 12, 2023 by Albert Duke

The reset button for the Goodman Pilot Light is located in the burner assembly. It is a raised red button.

Press the button to reset the furnace. If you own a Goodman furnace and are experiencing issues with your pilot light, you may need to reset it. The pilot light is an essential component of the furnace that must remain lit for the system to function properly.

Fortunately, Goodman furnaces come equipped with a reset button that allows you to easily resolve any pilot light-related problems. We will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to locate and reset the pilot light on your Goodman furnace. By following these instructions, you can ensure that your furnace operates smoothly and keeps your home warm and comfortable. So, let’s get started and discover how to reset the Goodman pilot light!

Understanding The Goodman Furnace Pilot Light

To understand the Goodman furnace pilot light, you may need to locate the reset button. This red raised button is usually found in the burner assembly and must be pressed to reset the furnace. Pressing it for a few seconds can help reset the system and ensure your furnace is working properly.

A Goodman furnace pilot light is a small flame that is constantly burning inside the furnace. It plays a crucial role in the furnace’s operation, ensuring the efficient and effective heating of your home. In this section, we will explore what a furnace pilot light is, why it is important for Goodman furnaces, and the specific functions it performs.

What Is A Furnace Pilot Light?

  • The furnace pilot light is a small, continuous flame that is necessary for the ignition and operation of the main burners in a Goodman furnace.
  • It is typically located near the burners and is responsible for igniting the gas that fuels the heating process.
  • The pilot light remains lit at all times, even when the rest of the furnace is not in use, to ensure quick and reliable ignition when heating is needed.

Importance Of A Pilot Light For Goodman Furnaces

  • The pilot light is crucial for the proper functioning of a Goodman furnace, as it serves as the ignition source for the main burners.
  • It provides a constant source of flame that is required to ignite the gas and initiate the heating process.
  • Without a pilot light, the furnace would not be able to produce heat, leaving your home cold and uncomfortable during the winter months.

Functions Of The Pilot Light In A Furnace

  • Ignition: The primary function of the pilot light is to ignite the gas that flows into the furnace’s burners. It creates a flame that ignites the gas, allowing it to produce heat.
  • Continuous Operation: The pilot light remains lit continuously, ensuring that the furnace is ready to produce heat when needed. This eliminates the need for manual ignition each time the furnace is turned on.
  • Safety Control: The pilot light also acts as a safety control mechanism. If the pilot light goes out, it indicates a potential issue with the furnace, such as a gas supply problem or a malfunctioning component. This prompts the furnace to shut off to prevent the release of gas without ignition.

The Goodman furnace pilot light is a vital component that enables the efficient and reliable operation of the furnace. It ignites the gas, ensures continuous operation, and acts as a safety control mechanism. Understanding the role and importance of the pilot light will help you troubleshoot any issues and ensure your furnace is functioning optimally.

Goodman Pilot Light Reset Button: The Ultimate Guide for Troubleshooting and Resetting Your Furnace


Troubleshooting Common Pilot Light Problems

To troubleshoot common pilot light problems with a Goodman furnace, locate the reset button in the burner assembly. Press the raised red button for a few seconds to reset the system. If the button is popped up, press it down.

This can help resolve issues with the pilot light not staying lit or the furnace not igniting properly.

Identifying Pilot Light Issues In A Goodman Furnace:

  • The pilot light is a small flame that ignites the burners in a gas furnace. If you are experiencing issues with your pilot light, it’s important to identify the problem before you can fix it. Here are some common pilot light issues in a Goodman furnace:
  • Pilot light won’t turn on
  • Pilot light keeps going out
  • Pilot light is weak or flickering

Reasons Why A Pilot Light May Not Stay Lit:

  • There are several possible reasons why a pilot light may not stay lit in a Goodman furnace. Here are some common causes:
  • Thermocouple malfunction: The thermocouple is a safety device that detects whether the pilot light is lit. If it malfunctions, it can shut off the gas supply to the pilot light.
  • Dirty pilot orifice: A dirty or blocked pilot orifice can prevent the pilot light from receiving enough gas to stay lit.
  • Drafts or air flow issues: Strong drafts or poor air flow can extinguish the pilot light.

Checking For Gas Supply Issues:

  • If your pilot light is not staying lit, it’s important to check for gas supply issues. Here are the steps to follow:
  • Check the gas valve: Make sure the gas valve to the furnace is fully open.
  • Check the gas line: Inspect the gas line for any leaks or damage.
  • Test the gas pressure: Use a manometer to check the gas pressure going into the furnace.

Steps To Relight A Pilot Light On A Goodman Furnace:

  • If you need to relight the pilot light on your Goodman furnace, follow these steps:
  • Locate the pilot light assembly: The pilot light assembly is usually located near the burners. Look for a small gas line connected to a metal tube or pilot light bracket.
  • Turn off the gas supply: Locate the gas shut-off valve near the furnace and turn it to the “off” position.
  • Wait for gas to dissipate: Allow a few minutes for any remaining gas to dissipate before attempting to relight the pilot light.
  • Press the reset button: Locate the red reset button on the burner assembly and press it in. This will allow gas to flow to the pilot light.
  • Light the pilot light: Use a long match or lighter to carefully ignite the pilot light. Hold the flame near the pilot light orifice until it ignites.
  • Turn on the gas supply: Once the pilot light is lit, turn the gas shut-off valve to the “on” position.
  • Test the pilot light: Observe the pilot light to make sure it stays lit. If it goes out again, you may need to contact a professional for further assistance.

Remember, always prioritize safety when dealing with gas appliances. If you are unsure or uncomfortable with relighting the pilot light yourself, it is best to contact a qualified technician.

Resetting The Goodman Furnace Pilot Light

To reset the pilot light on a Goodman furnace, locate the raised red reset button in the burner assembly. Simply press and hold the button for a few seconds to reset the system. For detailed instructions, refer to the manufacturer’s manual or watch instructional videos online.

Locating The Reset Button On A Goodman Furnace:

  • The reset button on a Goodman furnace is located in the burner assembly.
  • Look for a raised red button that serves as the reset button.

Step-By-Step Guide To Resetting The Pilot Light:

  • Turn off the power: Ensure that the power to the furnace is switched off before attempting to reset the pilot light.
  • Locate the reset button: Find the reset button in the burner assembly of the Goodman furnace. It will be a raised red button.
  • Press and hold: Press and hold the reset button for approximately 30 seconds. This allows the furnace to reset.
  • Check for ignition: After holding the reset button, check if the pilot light ignites. You should see a small blue flame.
  • Restore power: Once the pilot light has ignited, you can turn the power back on to the furnace.

Safety Precautions When Resetting The Pilot Light:

  • Before resetting the pilot light, make sure the power to the furnace is turned off to prevent any accidents.
  • Handle the reset button and furnace components carefully to avoid any injuries.
  • If you are unsure about resetting the pilot light, it is best to consult a professional HVAC technician.

Tips For Preventing Future Pilot Light Issues:

  • Regular maintenance: Schedule regular maintenance for your Goodman furnace to ensure it operates efficiently and to identify any potential issues with the pilot light.
  • Keep the area clean: Ensure that the burner assembly and surrounding area are clean and free from debris, as this can affect the pilot light’s performance.
  • Check for gas leaks: If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, do not attempt to reset the pilot light. Instead, contact a professional immediately.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines: Read the Goodman furnace manual and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for pilot light maintenance and troubleshooting.

Remember, if you are unsure about resetting the pilot light on your Goodman furnace, it is always advisable to seek assistance from a qualified HVAC technician to ensure safety and proper functioning of your furnace.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Goodman Pilot Light Reset Button

Does A Goodman Gas Furnace Have A Reset Button?

Yes, a Goodman gas furnace has a reset button. The reset button is located in the burner assembly and is a raised red button.

How Do You Relight The Pilot Light On A Goodman Furnace?

To relight the pilot light on a Goodman furnace, locate the reset button in the burner assembly. Press the red raised button for a few seconds to reset the system.

Is There A Pilot Light On Goodman Furnace?

Yes, there is a pilot light on a Goodman furnace. The reset button for the pilot light is located in the burner assembly. It is a raised red button.

Where Is Furnace Blower Reset Button?

The furnace blower reset button is usually located inside the blower compartment on the side of the blower motor. Press the button to reset the furnace. Be cautious, as the housing may be hot.


Finding and resetting the pilot light on your Goodman furnace is a crucial task to ensure the proper functioning of your heating system. The reset button is typically located in the burner assembly and is easily identifiable as a raised red button.

By locating and pressing this button, you can resolve any issues with the pilot light and restore heat to your home. It is important to exercise caution as you may encounter a hot housing while accessing the reset button. Remember, a lit pilot light is essential for the Goodman furnace to function effectively.

If you experience any difficulties or have concerns about relighting the pilot light, it is advisable to seek professional assistance. By following these steps, you can reset the pilot light on your Goodman furnace and enjoy a comfortably heated home once again.


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