How to Fix a Dead Cell in a Car Battery

Last Updated on April 3, 2023 by Ryan

1. Check the connections of the battery terminals and ensure they are clean and free from corrosion. 2. Inspect the voltage regulator to make sure it is functioning correctly and providing a sufficient charge to the cell. 3. Verify that all cables connected to the battery are in good condition, with no fraying or breaks in their insulation or wiring strands.

4. Test each individual cell with a voltmeter to check for any irregularities in its output compared to other cells in the same bank of batteries (take note of this reading). 5. If one cell reads lower than others, replace it with a new one; if not, use an electrolyte solution specifically designed for lead-acid batteries, such as Epsom salts dissolved in water, according to manufacturer’s instructions . 6. Charge up all cells of the battery using a charger specifically made for car batteries until each cell has reached 12 volts DC (or higher depending on type).

7. Reattach all cables back onto their terminals securely and start your engine – if everything was fixed properly then you should have full power again!

  • Step 1: Disconnect the Negative Terminal of the Car Battery – Before starting, make sure that all electrical components in your vehicle are turned off
  • Then locate and disconnect the negative terminal of the car battery using a wrench or pliers
  • Step 2: Check for Visible Damage – Look over the car battery to check for any visible damage, such as bulging, corrosion or cracks
  • If you find any evidence of damage, then it is likely that you will need to replace the entire battery
  • Step 3: Test Voltage Output with a Multimeter – Use a multimeter to test voltage output by connecting one end to each terminal on the car battery
  • If there is no current flowing through the terminals (indicated by 0 volts reading), then it indicates that either one or both cells within the battery have died and needs replacing
  • Step 4: Remove Cell from Battery Case – To remove an individual cell from a lead-acid car battery case, use a screwdriver to loosen and remove its cover plate before carefully extracting it out of its container along with its corresponding cables attached on either side
  • Step 5: Replace Dead Cell – Once extracted, insert new cell into place making sure that both connectors are securely fastened onto their respective sides before reattaching cover plate back onto casing with screws provided in replacement kit if needed

Car battery dead cell repair

Can a Dead Battery Cell Be Revived?

Yes, it is possible to revive a dead battery cell in some cases. This can be done by using an external charger or power source to charge the battery back up to its original voltage. It’s important that the charging process is done slowly and carefully as rapid charging of a dead battery could cause irreversible damage.

If the battery has been damaged beyond repair due to over-discharging, then unfortunately it cannot be revived and would need to be replaced with a new one.

Can a Car Battery Work With a Dead Cell?

No, a car battery cannot work with a dead cell. When one of the cells in your car battery dies, it is unable to produce enough power to keep your vehicle running and will need to be replaced or recharged. A dead cell can cause an imbalance in the voltage of the other cells, leading to further degradation and damage over time if not addressed promptly.

To prevent costly repairs or replacements down the line, it’s important that you recognize when one of your cells has died and take steps to replace or recharge it as soon as possible.

How Do You Fix a Bad Cell in a Car Battery?

One of the most common causes of a bad cell in a car battery is due to sulfation, which occurs when the lead plates become coated with sulfuric acid. To fix this issue, you’ll need to check the electrolyte level and add distilled water if necessary. Then, charge your battery overnight using a slow-charging device or with an intelligent charger.

If your battery won’t hold its charge after charging it overnight, then you may have a shorted cell that needs to be replaced by a professional mechanic or auto repair shop.

What Causes a Bad Cell in Car Battery?

A bad cell in a car battery is typically caused by sulfation, which occurs when the lead plates within the cells become covered with lead sulfate. The most common cause of this is leaving a vehicle unused for an extended period of time, allowing the electrolyte to evaporate and coat the plates with sulfates. Other causes include inadequate charging due to poor maintenance or worn out alternator components, overcharging from faulty voltage regulators or incorrect jump-starting techniques, and extreme temperatures that can damage internal components.

Sulfated batteries may be able to be revived if caught early enough; however, once too much damage has occurred it will need to be replaced.

How to Fix a Dead Cell in a Car Battery


How to Repair a Dead Cell in Lead Acid Battery

Repairing a dead cell in a lead acid battery can be done using an equalizing charge. This involves charging the battery at a higher voltage than normal for an extended period of time to redistribute the electrolyte among all cells and balance out any imbalances that may have caused one or more cells to fail. If this is unsuccessful, replacing the entire battery may be required.

It is important to follow safety instructions when working with lead acid batteries as they can release hazardous gases and cause serious burns if mishandled.

Dead Cell in Car Battery Symptoms

If your car battery is experiencing dead cells, you may notice a few tell-tale signs. These can include difficulty starting the engine, dim headlights or interior lights, and strange electrical behavior from the dashboard’s gauges and audio system. Additionally, if you open up the hood of your vehicle to take a look at the battery itself, there may be visible corrosion on its terminals or an overall swollen appearance.

If any of these symptoms are present in your car’s battery it’s important to get it looked at right away as dead cells can cause permanent damage if not addressed quickly.

Can You Fix a Dead Cell in a Battery

If your battery is completely dead and won’t hold a charge, it’s likely beyond repair. The cells in the battery are like tiny rechargeable power sources that can be recharged thousands of times before they eventually die; once this happens there isn’t much you can do to bring them back to life. However, if your battery is only partially drained, you may be able to revive it by charging it up again.


In conclusion, replacing a dead cell in a car battery is not an easy task and requires special tools. However, with patience and the necessary precautions taken, anyone can successfully replace their dead cell without needing to call for professional help. By following the steps outlined above you can save yourself time and money by fixing your car’s battery yourself at home.


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