Rear End Clunk When Braking

Last Updated on January 31, 2023 by Ryan

If you hear a clunking noise coming from the rear of your car when you brake, it could be due to a problem with your brake calipers or brake pads. If the calipers are not properly seated on the rotor, they can make a clunking noise as they rub against the rotor. Similarly, if the brake pads are worn out or damaged, they can also make a clunking noise as they press against the rotor.

In either case, you’ll need to have your brakes checked by a mechanic to diagnose and fix the problem.

If you’re hearing a clunking noise coming from your car’s rear end when you brake, there’s a good chance that something is loose back there. It could be a simple fix, like tightening a bolt, or it could be something more serious that requires professional attention. In any case, it’s definitely not something to ignore.

A loose part on your car can cause all sorts of problems down the road, so it’s best to get it checked out as soon as possible.

clunking/grinding noise rear end braking

Why Does My Car Make a Clunk Clunk Noise When I Brake?

If you’re hearing a “clunk clunk” noise when you brake, there are a few potential causes. One possibility is that your brake pads are worn and need to be replaced. Another possibility is that your brake calipers are sticking, which can cause the pads to rub against the rotors and create the clunking noise.

Additionally, warped rotors can also cause this problem. If the rotors are warped, they may not make full contact with the pads when you brake, which can lead to vibration and noise. If you’re unsure what’s causing the clunking noise in your car, it’s best to take it to a mechanic or dealership for diagnosis and repair.

What Causes Clunking Sound in Rear End?

There are a few different things that can cause a clunking sound in your rear end. One of the most common causes is worn-out suspension components. Over time, your shocks and struts can lose their effectiveness, causing a clunking sound when you go over bumps.

Another common cause of rear end clunking is loose hardware. Over time, bolts and nuts can work themselves loose, especially if they’re not properly tightened to begin with. This can lead to rattling and eventually a full-blown clunking noise.

Finally, another potential cause of rear end clunking is damaged or worn-out CV joints. These are responsible for connecting your driveshaft to your wheels, and if they’re damaged they can make all sorts of strange noises. If you’re hearing a clunking noise coming from your rear end, it’s best to have it checked out by a qualified mechanic as soon as possible so they can diagnose the problem and get it fixed before it gets any worse.

Can Rear Shocks Make a Clunking Noise?

If your car’s rear shocks are making a clunking noise, it’s likely that they need to be replaced. Although shocks don’t usually need to be replaced as often as other parts of your suspension, they can wear out over time and may need to be replaced sooner if you frequently drive on rough roads or do a lot of off-roading. If your car is still under warranty, check with your dealer to see if the rear shocks are covered.

Otherwise, you’ll need to take it to a qualified mechanic or suspension specialist for an inspection and replacement.

Rear End Clunk When Braking


Clunking Noise When Braking Hard

If your car is making a clunking noise when you brake hard, there are a few possible causes. The most common cause is worn brake pads. When the pads wear down, they can start to make a metal-on-metal grinding noise.

This can be quite alarming, but it’s usually not serious. Another possibility is that something is caught in your brakes, such as a pebble or piece of debris. If this is the case, you’ll need to have your brakes checked and cleaned by a mechanic.

Finally, if your car has been in an accident, it’s possible that the clunking noise is coming from damaged suspension components. If this is the case, it’s important to get your car checked out by a qualified mechanic as soon as possible.

Single Clunk When Braking

If you’re driving and you hear a single clunk when you brake, it’s likely that there’s an issue with your brakes. The most common cause of this problem is worn-out brake pads. When your brake pads wear out, they can start to make noise when you press down on the brakes.

Additionally, your brakes may feel less responsive than usual and take longer to stop the vehicle. If you notice any of these issues, it’s important to have your brakes checked as soon as possible by a qualified mechanic. Worn-out brake pads can eventually lead to more serious problems, like damage to your brake rotors.

So if you’re hearing a single clunk when braking, don’t ignore it – get your car checked out right away!

Front End Clunk When Braking

If your car is making a front end clunking noise when you brake, there are several potential causes. One possibility is that your brake pads are worn and need to be replaced. Another possibility is that your rotors are warped and need to be resurfaced or replaced.

Finally, it’s possible that one of the calipers is sticking and needs to be replaced. If you’re not sure what’s causing the problem, take your car to a qualified mechanic for a diagnosis. In the meantime, here’s a quick overview of each potential cause:

Worn Brake Pads: If your brake pads are worn down, they may not be providing enough friction to stop your car smoothly. This can cause a loud clunking noise as you apply the brakes. To fix this problem, you’ll need to replace your brake pads with new ones.

Warped Rotors: Over time, rotors can become warped from heat and wear. This can cause them to vibrate when the brakes are applied, which can lead to a front end clunking noise. Resurfacing the rotors may fix the problem, but in some cases they will need to be replaced entirely.

Sticking Caliper: The calipers around your brake pads can sometimes stick, which prevents them from retracting fully after braking. This can also cause vibrations and a front end clunking noise when braking.


A reader recently asked about a clunking noise that occurs when braking. The reader said the noise sounds like it’s coming from the rear of the vehicle. There are several potential causes of this type of noise.

It could be due to worn brake pads, loose brake calipers, or warped brake rotors. In some cases, it may also be caused by a problem with the suspension or exhaust system. If you hear this type of noise when braking, it’s important to have it checked out by a qualified mechanic as soon as possible.

Brake problems can lead to longer stopping distances and increased wear on other parts of the car, so it’s important to get them fixed before they cause more damage.


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